Name of Faculty Dr. P. P. Pawar
Mobile No. 8788654734
Email ID
Designation Associate Professor of Agronomy
Qualification (only higher qualification) Ph. D (Agronomy)
Name of Faculty Shri.  Vipul Manohar Vasave         
Mobile No. 9421186318
Email ID
Designation Assistant Professor (AHDS)
Qualification (only higher qualification) M.Sc.(Agriculture) AHDS

Set up

College of agriculture has the capacity of 75 NSS volunteers every year. This programme for two years and complete minimum240 hrs NSS regular activities ie minimum 120hrs per year and one week Special camp at village level. The capacity for Special camp is 75 NSS volunteers.

Foundation Day

24 September every year would be the NSS day by all Universities/ colleges. Special programme would be organized suiting local needs and priorities.

Activities under NSS

  1. Environment Enrichment and conservation- Crating awareness about the importance of tress among community, plantation of tress, their preservation and upkeep., Construction of roads, streets, latrines, urinals, ponds and well, gobar gas plant. Provision of safe and clean drinking water supply, integrated child development programme.
  2. Programmes aimed at creating awareness for improvement of status of woman.
  3. Education and recreation- Adult education, preschool education, Organization of youth club, non formal education for rural youth.
  4. Social Service Programme- Work in hospital, child welfare, for physically handicapped and mentally retarded, welfare organization of woman.
  5. Programmes for working during emergencies-Relief and rescue work.
  6. Production oriented programmes- Rodent and pest practices, weed control, soil health, repair of agril. machinery, promotion of co operative societies, Save graining campaign.
  7. Celebration of different Days.