Agricultural Economics Section


The College of Agriculture, Dhule was established in the year 1960-61 and the working of Agricultural Economics Section started during 1962-63 with the initial appointment of an Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics. The post of Professor of Agril. Economics was sanctioned to this college in the year 1970 after the establishment of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri in 1969. The present edifice of the section of Agricultural Economics is the result of constant inspiration of the eminent Agricultural Economists. Since beginning, the Section was headed by Dr. S.D. Suryawanshi, Prof. S.B. Jagtap, Dr. P.D. Diskalkar, Dr. B.J. Hinge, Dr. D.V. Kasar, Dr. K.S. Birari, Dr. R.K. Rahane etc. At present Dr. P.N. Shendage is heading this section efficiently.


This section has separate well furnished  building with three practical laboratories. The section has already developed a beautiful garden in front of the section. A Students’ Consumer Co-operative Store is a new development in the section. This section has purchased two computer with printer, overhead projector and 30 benches in classroom. Recently, one ad-hoc project viz., Impact Assessment of Vegetable Research on Production, Income and Employment Generation in Maharashtra has been under taken. The final report is yet to be completed. 

For conducting the practical’s the section has two well furnished laboratories. Recently one computer with printer and one overhead projector has been purchased for the research and education purpose.

Courses and Credits

Sr. No. Semester Course No. Course title Credits
B.Sc. (Hons) Agriculture
1 II ECON 121 Fundamentals of Economics 2+0=2
2 III STAT- 231 Statistical Methods 1+1=2
3 IV ECON-242 Agril. Finance and Co-operation 2+1=3
4 V ECON- 353 Agril. Marketing, Trade & Prices 2+1=3
5 V ELE.ECON-354 Agri. Business Management 2+1=3
6 VI ECON-365 Production Economics & Farm Management 2+1=3
7 VII ECON-476 Rural Agricultural Work Experience 0+2=2
8 VIII ELP Experiential Learning Program in each module (1 credit for each module) 0+1=1
(5 modules)
Total 11+12=23
M.Sc. (Agri.)
1 I STAT-511 Statistical Methods for Applied Sciences 3+1
2 II STAT-512 Experimental Design 2+1
Total 5+2=7


Name of Faculty Dr. Shivagaje Ashok Jagannath
Mobile No. 9420748400
Email ID
Designation Associate Professor of Statistics
Qualification Ph.D. (Statistics)
Publication ( Only nos )
Scientific 30
Technical 50
Extension 25
Books 05
Any other info (very specific) Recommendations -07
Advisory committee Members- M.Sc. (Agri) / M.Tech - 75 Ph. D. (Agri)- 40

Faculty Position

Post Sanctioned Filled Post Vacant
1.Professor of Agril. Economics 1 - 1
2.Associate Prof. Of Agril. Economics 1 - 1
3.Assistant Prof. Of Agril. Economics 1 - 1
4. Assistant Prof. Of Agril. Statistics 1 1 -
5.Agril. Assistant 1 1 -
6.Peon 2 1 1
Total 7 4 3

Important Activities


The teaching staff members, in addition to their normal teaching work are also engaged in different research activities assigned by Research Review Sub-Committee every year. Research in Agril. Economics at this college is primarily based on the data obtained through survey method. As far as possible, location specific and production oriented research problems are under taken on priority basis. The research problems undertaken so far by this section was on cost studies of different crops, finance, marketing, socio-economic condition of rural house hold, impact studies and live stock economics etc. The staff of the section has completed 50 research studies of different areas of Agril. Economics from the beginning.

The brief results and conclusions of few important studies undertaken by this section are given as below.

  1. The study on arrivals and prices of red wet chillies in Dondaicha market in Dhule district was conducted during the year 1991-92. The study indicated that, the arrivals of red wet chillies were maximum during December to March and corresponding prices were relatively low as compared to other months. The study also concluded that, the 98-99% of the total arrivals were of red wet chillies in the market. The arrivals and prices indicated the significant increasing trend over a period of time.
  2. During the year 1992-93, the survey on marketing of red chillies in the Dondaicha market of Dhule district revealed that, the per quintal cost of marketing of red wet chillies was of Rs. 31.41. The per quintal net price realized was of Rs.388.87 which is 92.75 per cent of the gross price received by the farmer in the study area. Farmers reported that, the high transport cost, unloading of produce by producers at pathary situated 3 to 4 kilometers away from the market yard, open auction sale was not strictly followed, loss of produce in inspection, late auction, delay in payment etc. were main constraints in marketing of red wet chilli.
    1. A study on an economic appraisal of eucalyptus plantation in Nasik district during 1993-94 was undertaken. Study concluded that, the per hectare net profit from eucalyptus plantation was to the tune of Rs.2557.97 with the B:C ratio of 1.11. The development of market infrastructure through the establishment of processing units for preparation of paper, medicinal oil etc. would enhance the economic viability of this plantation crop.
    2. A study on constraints in cultivation of major crops on tribal farms in Dhule district was conducted during 1994-95. The study revealed that, paddy and rabi jowar are major crops of tribal in their cropping pattern. The average productivity for paddy and rabi jowar was 13.35q. and 6.87q/ha respectively. The productivity of these crops on tribal farms was very low as compared to non-tribal farms. The study concluded that, the lack of awareness of improved varieties, seed treatments, use of fertilizers and poor economic condition of the farmers were the major constraints in adoption of improved technology in the study area.
    3. A study on marketing of buffaloes and crossbred cows in Dhule market (1995-96 ) concluded that, the arrivals and disposal of crossbred cows viz., Jerssey and H.F. and local cows were quite high during February and March and that of buffaloes was high during January, July and August as compared to other months. The average per animal cost of marketing of H.F., Jersey and local cows was of Rs.1088.42, Rs.1037.92 and Rs.578.59 respectively. While, in case of Jafrabadi, Mehsana and local buffaloes was Rs.2426.46, Rs.2101.82 and Rs.988.61 respectively. The transport cost, expenditure on feeds and fodder, traders own expenditure and charges of commission agents were the major items of marketing cost. The per animal net profit received by the traders in marketing of H.F., Jerssey and local cows was Rs.337, Rs.244 and Rs.155 respectively. While in case of Jafrabadi, Mehsana and local buffaloes was Rs.1752, Rs.903 and Rs.439 respectively.
    4. Economics of production and marketing of strawberry in Nasik district was conducted during 1995-96. The study brought out that, the crop is labour intensive. The per hectare total cost of cultivation of strawberry was Rs.4.27 lakh. The cost of runners, rental value of land, human labour, plant protection and plastic mulching were major items of cost. The per quintal cost of marketing was worked out to Rs.2120 in which packaging, commission charges, transport and labour for grading, weighing and packaging were major items. The per hectare net profit was Rs.1.54 lakh over all cost together. The stabilization of prices, promotion of export, quick transport, availability of cheap packaging materials were the important measures for the economic viability of strawberry cultivation.
    5. During 1999-2000 the section undertook the study on relative economics of production of different varieties of cotton in Shidkheda tehsil of Dhule district. The study revealed that, the cropping pattern of the sample farmers had the predominance of cotton. Considering the three varieties of cotton under rainfed condition, Ankur-651 gave the highest profit of Rs.6605 per hectare followed by H-8 Rs.2874 and Y-1, Rs.1120.
    6. The study on economics of buffalo milk production in Dhule district was conducted during 2001-2002. The study revealed that, the cost of production per milch buffalo per annum around the Dhule city was estimated to Rs.22984 which varied from Rs.22824 (Large herd) to Rs.30561 (Medium herd). The average milk production was 7.98 litres per day. The net return per milch animal per annum was Rs.3112. There was an inverse relationship between net return per buffalo and herd size. The break-even output was 63 per cent of the total output obtained. The study finally concluded that, the buffalo milk production is an economically viable and profitable enterprise in Dhule district, the farmers obtained the marginal profit which can be increased by efficient management.
    7. 2002-2003 Economics of production and marketing of green chillies in Jalgaon district. The study brought out that the green chilly production is profitable. The profit margin can also be increased by removing the constraints like irregular electricity supply, high commission charges, shortage of irrigation water and delayed maturity of the existing variety of green chillies.
    8. A study on Economics of Drip Vis-Ã -vis Condensational method of irrigation for Banana in Jalgaon district ( 2003-04 ) indicated 11.25 per cent increase in productivity and 37.34 per cent increase in net profit per hector from adoption of drip method of irrigation over a conventional one
    9. 2004-05 economics of production and marketing of Ajowan on tribal and non-tribal farms in Nandurbar district was under taken. Ajowan is major crop and it occupied 47.26 per cent and 38.71 per cent of total cropped area, respectively in the area under study. Per hector total cost of cultivation of ajowan was Rs. 8,742.85 and Rs. 10,488.71 on tribal and non-tribal farms respectively. The rental value of land, human labour, fertilizers and manures were the major items of the cost. Per quintal cost of marketing for ajowan was Rs. 113.56. However, producer’s share in the price paid by consumers was to the extent of 55.84 per cent. The 44 per cent of consumers rupee was swallowed for marketing expenses and margin of middlemen. The study advocates that, ajowan being a profitable crop enterprise having vide variety of uses can be adopted on large scale. Which requires suitable management practices for its cultivation.
    10. The study on Economic impact of IPM technology adapted for cotton crop in Dhule district during 2005-06 concluded that the IPM appears to be an effective alternative to chemical pest control. The awareness and adoption of IPM technology was observed to be more than 80 per cent for the adopters. The IPM could reduce the pesticide use without having any adverse effect on crop yield. The per hectare yield was higher by 11 per cent on IPM farms. The use of some inputs was higher on IPM adopter farms but this did not make any significant difference in the average cost of cultivation between IPM adopter and non-adopter farms. The gross return on IPM adopter farms were 19 per cent higher even the IPM practice is a labour intensive one. There was a gain in net income by 39 per cent due to adoption of IPM in cotton indicated, IPM is most cost and return effective technique.
    11. The study on economics of production of summer bajra yield Dhule district during 2006-07, concludes that the total cost of cultivation of summer bajra was Rs. 12525.97 and the gross returns were Rs. 15871.50 leaving a net profit of Rs. 3345.53. Summer bajra being a profitable crop enterprise and a short duration crop can be popularized where irrigation facilities are limited.

During 2007-08 economics of production and marketing of red wet chillies in Nandurbar and Dhule district indicates that the average per quintal cost of cultivation of red wet-chillies was worked out to Rs. 40,832.73/-. Amongst the different items of cost of cultivation, rental value of land, hired human labour, manures and plant protection were the major items. The selling of red wet-chillies is usual practice in this region. The average per quintal net price received was Rs. 1253.67/-. The average per quintal marketing cost of red wet-chillies in the markets came to Rs. 123.81/-. The transport, commission and octroi were the major items of marketing cost, which together share 80.53 per cent of the total marketing cost.

Recently during 2019-20, 2021-22 and 2022-23 the Department have given recommendations on

1. Performance of PACs in Irrigated and Unirrigated Areas of Dhule District

2. Impact Assessment of Technology Adoption on Productivity of Cotton in Dhule District

3. A Study of Trends in Arrivals and Prices of Major Foodgrains in APMC Dhule

Ad-hoc Research Project

This section is implementing a ad- hoc research project on “ Impact Assessment of Improved Vegetable Research on Production, Income and  Employment Generation in Maharashtra” from September 2004 for a period of three years. The project is funded by the ICAR to a total financial outlay of Rs. 13.20 lakhs.  Submitted during 2013. 

Extension and other Activities

The section is also engaged with extension activities. Farmers are being advised to prepare the farm production plan based on their resource endowments. The findings of production oriented and need based research projects are being extended to the farmers from All India Radio station, Dhule and Jalgaon through broadcasting. Staff participates in the Monthly District Workshop organized at this college. Besides this Professor of  this section also participate in deciding the scale of finance for crop loan to be given by DCCBs of Jalgoan and Dhule District. The staff also participates in the co-curricular activities viz., sports, debating competition organized by the university from time to time. This section is running the Students’ Co-operative Consumer Store for meeting the daily requirements of stationery, practical printed manuals and other essential articles for the benefit of students.