Agriculture Research Station

1. Name of the Research Station:

Agriculture Research Station, Dhule

2. Year of Establishment:

  1. The Agricultural Research Station was established at Shahada in Dhule distrisct in the year 1947. Due to problems faced regarding its accessibility, the research station was shifted to Dhule in year 1953. It was transferred from Department of Agriculture , Maharashtra State to MPKV, Rahuri during 1969.
  2. The grass breeding scheme was started at Hingoli Dist Parbhani in 1958 and was shifted at College of Agriculture, Dhule in year 1963.

3. Research Mandates:

Three different schemes viz. Scheme for Improvement of Pulses and Oilseeds Crops, Grass Breeding Sub-station and Cotton Breeding Sub-station are working with following mandates:

  1. Scheme for Improvement of Pulses and Oilseed Crops:
    1. To test newly developed varieties / hybrid of cereals (other than rice), pulses and oilseeds for their yield performance under rainfed condition in this region.
    2. To implement seed production programme of different crops as decided by the University.
  2. Grass Breeding Sub-station:
    1. To select the suitable strains of different grasses for rainfed condition from different promising genotypes developed by grass and forage Breeder and Coordinator.
    2. To develop new package of practices for grasses and forage crops which are adoptable for this region.
  3. Cotton Breeding Sub-station:
    1. To test new cotton genotypes (G. arboreum and G. hirsutum) developed by the cotton breeder and coordinator for their suitability and yield performance under rainfed situation at Dhule.
    2. To select rainfed cotton varieties for drought tolerance

4. Availabilty of Land: 8.20 ha

Sr. No. Particulars Kharif Rabi Summer
i) Cultivable      
  Irrigated   5.00 1.00
  Rainfed 8.20    
ii) Utilization      
  Research 2.20 0.40  
  Seed production 6.00 4.60  
  Commercial - - -
  Total 8.20 5.00 1.00

5. Infrastructure (available/requires)

  1. Water Resource availability : Well

6. Staff positions:

Schemes working under the Professor of Botany, AC, Dhule

Sr. No. Cadre Sanctioned Posts Filled Post Vacant Post Name of the Staff And Discipline
I.Scheme for Improvement of Pulses and Oilseeds Crops( R-173 5.1)
1. Senior Res. Asstt. 1 1 -- Dr.J.M.Patil (Agril. Botany)
2. Agril. Asstt. 1 1 -- Shri. S.P.Wagh
II. Schemes for Improvement of Pasture Grasses
1 Jr. Res. Asstt. 1 - 1 -
2 Agril. Asstt. 1 - 1 -
III. Scheme for Improvement of desi Cotton
(The following posts are on the establishment of Oilseeds Research Station, Jalgaon.)
1 Jr. Res. Asstt. 1 - 1 -
2 Agril. Asstt. 1 - 1 -

7. Research Outcome:

* Overall – Association for release of following various genotypes:

SL Crop Varieties Released
1 Sesame JLT-408
2 Maize Hybrid Rajarshee ,Hybrid Mahrshee,Phule Madhu( Sweet Corn)
3 Soybean Phule Kalyani, Phule Agrani ,Phule Sangam
4 Cotton JLA-794, JLA-505, Phule Anmol, Phule Dhanvantari
5 Sunflower Phule Raviraj
6 Gram Krupa, Digvijay ,Vikram
7 Oat Phule Harita
8 Marvel Govardhan ,Marvel-6-40
9 Bajra X Napier Phule Jaywant ,Phule Gunwant
10 Mungbean Vaibhav , Chetak
11 Stylo Phule Kranti

8. Technical Programme Implemented In Kharif-2019 and Rabi 2019-20

  1. Co ordinate/State /University Trials:
SL Crops / Trials No. of entries Sowing Date
I. Maize
A. Co ordinate Trials
1 65,69 PZ (Z-IV), Late Maturity (AVT I,II) 9 13.7.2019
2 66,70 PZ (Z-IV), Medium Maturity (AVT I,II) 13 13.7.2019
3 67,68 PZ (Z-IV), Early Maturity ( AVT I ) 07 13.7.2019
B. University Trials
4 MLTK 191, Multilocation trial of normal maize hybrids 13+4 (C) 13.7.2019
5 MLTK 192, Multilocation trial of QPM maize hybrids 6+2 (C) 13.7.2019
II. Sunflower
6 MLT of Sunflower hybrids 10 +2 (C) 22.7.2019
7 MLT of Sunflower varieties 8+4 (C) 22.7.2019
III. Seasame
8 State Multilocation trial of Seasame 16 22.7.2019
IV. Soybean
9 MLT of Soybean varieties 20 16.7.2019
V. Niger
10 MLT of Niger varieties 7+2 (C) 22.7.2019
VI. Mungbean
11 State Multilocation Varietal Trial (Plane) 10+4 (C) 7.7.2019
12 State Multilocation Varietal Trial (Bold) 11+6 (C) 7.7.2019
13 Regional Varietal Trial 15+1 (C) 8.7.2019
VII. Urdbean
14 State Multilocation Varietal Trial 11+5 (C) 8.7.2019
15 Regional Varietal Trial 15+1 (C) 7.7.2019
VIII. Cotton
17 State Multi-location Varietal Trial (G.hirsutum) 15+6(C) 15.7.2019
18 University Multi-location Varietal Trial (G.aroboreum) 7+3 (C) 15.7.2019
19 Station Varietal Trial (G. aroboreum) 10+4 (C) 15.7.2019
IX. Mothbean
20 University Multi-location Varietal Trial 11+1 (C) 22.7.2019
X. Cowpea
21 University Multi-location Varietal Trial 14 16.7.2019
XI. Chickpea
22 State Multilocation Varietal Trial of (Irrigated) Gram (Desi) 20 29.11.209
23 State Multilocation Varietal Trial of (Irrigated) Gram(Kabuli) 12 29.11.209
XII. Summer Sesamum
24 Multilocation trial of Seasame 12 Last Week Jan
  1. Co ordinate/State /University Trials:
No Crop Stage Area (ha) Area (ha)
1 Soybean var.JS 335 Breeder 4.00 22 – 24.7.2019
2 Pearl Millet
Hy. Aadishakti [ A x R ]
Certified 1.20 25.7.2019
3 Gram var Vijay Breeder 2.60 3.12.2019

Faculty Information

Name of faculty Jitendra Madhukar Patil
Mobole No. 9403374707,7517403751
e-mail ID
Designation Senior Research Assistant (Agricultural Botany)
Qualification(Only higher qualification) M,Sc.(Agri.),Ph.D in Genetics &Plant Breeding.
Publications (Only nos.)  
i. Scientific 14
ii. Technical 04
iii. Extension 10
iv. Radio talks 15
v. Any other info.(Very specific) A)Major contribution in release of the following crop varieties
Crop Varieties.
I) Wheat Phule Netravati, Phule Samadhan, Phule Satwik
II) Cotton Phule 688, Phule Anmol
  B)Recommendations: Total nos.:2